Cocoona Centre for Aesthetic Transformation

Discover a level of aesthetic expertise like no other with Cocoona’s skin, hair and body experts. Founded in 2005 by Dr. Sanjay Parashar, Educator, Entrepreneur and Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Cocoona brings you the combined excellence of a skilled team with world class safety and efficacy protocols. From the latest innovations in surgical technique to exciting new non-surgical technologies, you have a wealth of ways to achieve your aesthetic goals. Every doctor on our team works with a unique set of safety and efficacy protocols developed at Cocoona, even as they bring their individual talent to work. Across our specialties – plastic surgery, hair transplant, dermatology and cosmetology, dentistry, bariatric surgery, reconstructive surgeries, nutrition – there’s a certain approach, the Cocoona way, that makes outcomes possible.